Committee Members
As always, we are asking for your help by joining the committee. We meet once a month on a Monday to discuss all things to do with the MADS League. Without help, there is a possibility it may not continue.
Cup Returns
Please could teams that have Trophies from last season please return them asap to Alex Annal at 8 Pine Close Melksham before 14th April. Please return in a clean condition.
End of season
Once this season has concluded, you will receive a Newsletter with the Final League tables, a form for the Highest score and Averages, and an Entry form for next season.
The Treasurer will send out the end of season bills following the conclusion of the season.
If you are planning to change your Captain for next season, please return the form with their details on. We anticipate the AGM will take place in the middle of July but this will be confirmed.
Cup information
Saturday 18th March Mixed Pairs Sponsored by Mr J Mullett at Forest CC 7.30 pm start.
Tuesday 11th April Ladies Singles played at Forest CC 7.30pm start. **
Tuesday 25th April Ladies Pairs played at Forest CC 7.30 start. **
** Entry forms enclosed.
Postponed games
As we have now entered the 2nd half of the season, a reminder that any games postponed must be played before the end of the fixture card.
If you know in advance that you don’t have a team for a game, you can bring that game forward and it will not count as a postponed game.
Captains Cup Results
Ladies Winner Mrs T Clark of Liberal Ladies
Men’s Winner Mr D Clark of Staverton A
Thank you to everyone who took part.